Video Of Racism In Sylt Pony Kampen Sylt rgf


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05/25/2024 May 25, 2024. A video from a nightclub on Sylt showing young people chanting right-wing slogans and making Nazi-related gestures has caused an uproar. Kampen in Sylt is best known as a scenic beach getaway in Germany. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Lea Sarah Albert A short video of young people singing racist lyrics on the German holiday island German resort bar takes legal action amid outrage over racist chants. DPA. May 25, 2024 · 3 min read. People walk outside the "Pony" club in Kampen (Sylt) on Friday evening. A video shared online A screenshot of the video shot on the terrace of a bar in Sylt, Germany, last week. In a 14-second video, filmed with a smartphone on the patio of a trendy bar in Sylt, a small North Sea island A view of the "Pony" pub in Kampen. A video shared online of young Germans chanting racist anti-immigrant slogans outside a pub on the North Sea island of Sylt has sparked outrage in the country. View of the "Pony" pub in Kampen. A video shared online of young Germans chanting racist anti-immigrant slogans outside a pub on the North Sea island of Sylt has sparked outrage in the country. On Thursday, the Pony nightclub in the posh town of Kampen on the island distanced itself from the video on Instagram. The video was made outside the nightclub, apparently without the proprietors The video, which appears to have been taken outside the exclusive Pony nightclub in the island town of Kampen last weekend, shows people dancing to Italian DJ Gigi D'Agostino's party hit "L'amour Am Pfingstsonntag des Jahres 2024 (19. Mai) wurden im Club Pony in Kampen auf Sylt ausländerfeindliche Parolen bzw. Nazi-Parolen gesungen, die bundesweit für Empörung und Medienecho sorgten sowie eine Strafverfolgung auslösten. Während einer exklusiven Feier stimmten mehrere junge Menschen auf der Terrasse des Lokals die ausländerfeindlichen Parolen „Deutschland den Deutschen Germany: Racist chants reported in Erlangen after Sylt video

05/26/2024 May 26, 2024. Two revelers at a festival in Bavaria were heard chanting "Foreigners out!" to the tune of "L'amour toujours Kampen. Gigi D'agostino. Die Betreiber des Klubs Pony auf Sylt sehen sich offenbar dazu gezwungen, zu ihrer Entlastung ein weiteres Video zu veröffentlichen. Derweil werden weitere Vorwürfe Sylt bar takes action against racist slogans. Party guests shouting racist slogans on the German North Sea island of Sylt (symbolic image). On Thursday, a video went viral in which party guests on Feiernde dichten einen Party-Hit rassistisch um und grölen "Ausländer raus". ZDFheute live erklärt, wie sich Songs mit rechten Parolen verbreiten. And presenter Dunja Hayali tweeted: "With Hitler beards and bubbly, but without "foreigners". #Sylt. 2024". According to, the video was made at the Pony pub in Kampen at Whitsun (see map Text size. A viral video of partygoers chanting racist song lyrics on the northern holiday island of Sylt has caused outrage in Germany, with Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Friday branding it Luca Huth from Sylt is standing on the terrace of the "Pony" club in Kampen (Sylt) on Friday evening. A video shared online of young Germans chanting racist anti-immigrant slogans outside a pub on Axel Heimken/dpa Die Gaststätte «Pony» im Zentrum von Kampen: Extremismus Sylt: Video mit rassistischem Gegröle geht viral Rassismus auf Sylt: Vor einem Lokal skandieren junge Menschen «Ausländer raus». An dem Gegröle scheint sich niemand zu stören. Laut «Bild» soll das Video zu Pfingsten im Lokal Pony in Kampen entstanden 05/27/2024 May 27, 2024. A video from the posh holiday island of Sylt shows wealthy young people shouting Nazi slogans and singing xenophobic chants. Are the children of the rich particularly Auf Sylt grölt eine Gruppe junger Menschen rechtsradikale Parolen. Reichtum schützt nicht vor rassistischem Denken, sagt ein Experte. "Nazi scandal" shakes the German island of Sylt,

known as the "island of the beautiful and rich," writes the portal of the "Bild" daily. According to the portal, a group of wealthy young people in Pony Kampen Sylt Rassismus Pony Kampen Sylt Rassismus Video Pony Kampen Sylt Rassismus Pony Kampen Sylt Rassismus Video . Pony Kampen Sylt Rassismus Pony Kampen Sylt The video, purportedly filmed outside the exclusive "Pony" nightclub in the island town of Kampen last weekend, shows individuals dancing to Italian DJ Gigi D'Agostino's party hit "L'amour Two women sit on the terrace of the "Pony" club in Kampen (Sylt). A video shared online of young Germans chanting racist anti-immigrant slogans outside a pub on the North Sea island of Sylt has Research and publish the best content. video. 0 view | +0 today Jetzt kursiert ein Video von Sylt, das bundesweit große Empörung auslöst. Mehr Panorama-News Auf Video aufgenommenes rassistisches Gegröle zum Party-Hit "L'amour Toujours" von Gigi D Download this stock image: 01 June 2024, Schleswig-Holstein, Kampen (Sylt): A police car is parked opposite the Pony Club in Kampen, where a small group of punks have set up a vigil following the racism scandal on Sylt. Photo: Bodo Marks/dpa - 2X9M6MK from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. Create a SoundCloud account. Video Recording of Racism in Sylt What Happened to Pony Kampen. Link full video bellow ⤵️⤵️⤵️. 🔴 OPEN VIDEO 👉 🔴 OPEN VIDEO 👉 🔴 OPEN VIDEO 👉 pony kampen sylt rassismus video.